by aaron | Sep 3, 2008 | reviews
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is novel that tracks a young boy’s attempts to make sense of the bombings of 9/11, a day on which he has lost his father. Though not as strongly written as Safran-Foer’s first novel, Everything is Illuminated, this is...
by aaron | Sep 3, 2008 | reviews
This movie was screened at SIFF in the summer of 2006. I didn’t greatly care for it and wouldn’t recommend it, and in so stating absolve myself from any responsibility should you insist on being contrarian, rent the movie and detest it. If you’re...
by aaron | Sep 3, 2008 | reviews
The Proposition is an Australian western that was rather dark and rather good. It’s got a great cast and some excellent cinematography, and while the plot stumbles occasionally it’s on the whole a rather well done movie. It’s not a feel-good film nor...
by aaron | Sep 3, 2008 | reviews
Lord of War is a movie that tracks an international arms dealer and his weapons shipments. The movie stars Nicolas Cage, whom no one I know seems to like, though I think he’s quite talented and especially so in this role. Though it was less successful than...
by aaron | Sep 3, 2008 | reviews
This is another film that I reviewed at the Seattle International Film Festival in the summer of 2005. Though it’s completely different in most ways, the movie reminded me a good deal of a less expensive version of Mystic River: a very well-acted poorly written...