by aaron | Jul 30, 2011 | blog
Yesterday I was in the grocery store when I heard a song I remembered listening to when I was in high-school. Walking home I was still mumble-humming along and recalling the fine days of grunge music, when I realized that I couldn’t remember the name of the...
by aaron | Jul 29, 2011 | blog
News from the world of US Soccer is exciting: the team has fired coach Bob Bradley and replaced him with former German superstar Juergen Klinsmann. It seems that Bradley’s initial precipitous rise was followed by a decline of equal speed, and while it’s...
by aaron | Jul 28, 2011 | blog
Today’s image is a friendly reminder for those out there concerned about Jesus and/or the rednecks. (Thanks Sprinkles, not only for the useful prompt but more so for having a sweet-ass handle like Sprinkles.)
by aaron | Jul 23, 2011 | blog
Since returning to Seattle I’ve slowly been bumping into folks around town, and usually when I do I receive, in some form or another, the following question: And now what? Since I don’t have a glimmer of a response (I’m not the 5-year-plan kind of...
by aaron | Jul 20, 2011 | blog
I have spent the past 2-1/2 months in Central America where, with the exception of four nights that I spent at or above 9,000′ of altitude, the weather was never once as cold as it has been upon my return to Seattle. The last night I spent in Seattle, May 1, I...