It Takes All Kinds

It Takes All Kinds

For a full and complete world they say it takes all kinds of people—the normal ones, sure, but more importantly all the weirdos: the cowboy angels and poplin-shorted bros and puffed-lat sufferers and eye-drooping cabbies, and everyone else who provides life with more...
The One That Goes to 11

The One That Goes to 11

It’s a curious thing how much we like to compare and rank. We scale the things of our lives, often for ease of communication, and usually we do it on something as simple as a sliding slope of 1-10: this nectarine is an 8, that Thai restaurant is a 7, the new...
Praise Be To You

Praise Be To You

I begin with an admission—I don’t want to spend the next 16-months talking about politics. It’s summertime and the beaches are calling, these conversations can be exhausting to perform and listen to, and frankly I hope all of us have better things to do....


Earlier this week a middle-aged man sits down at the bar-top across from me and looks at the menu. When I ask if I can help him he says, Yes, I’m trying to figure out what I can eat because I have a salt allergy. Now, I’ve been working in restaurants a...