by aaron | Aug 31, 2016 | Travels
Recently one of our staff wrote about a day spent in Rhinelander, WI. In response to that story our offices were flooded with so much fan mail that we decided to send our intrepid reporter back into the field for a night, if not on the town, than at least near it....
by aaron | Aug 29, 2016 | Travels
I’ve spent the better part of this summer in Rhinelander, WI, a town of just over 7,000 located in the central-northern portion of the state. With the exceptions of plenty of fishing and the occasional trip to the beach, I’ve mostly kept a quiet and...
by aaron | Aug 22, 2016 | Essays
Way back in 2014, in ye olde times of yore, before Bruce formally became Caitlyn and people still believed Paul Ryan possessed integrity, many of us were concerned about one thing: God. Specifically—did He exist? Think back to how many nights you were sleeplessly...
by aaron | Aug 17, 2016 | Essays
To the parents of the families gathered here at Buck Lake this beautiful Sunday afternoon: Let’s begin with the obvious: it’s awkward. Of course I know it’s awkward. It’s been weird ever since I sat down. I can see you staring at me, one eye...