RIP: Paul Ryan’s Conscience
A brief obituary for Paul Ryan’s conscience
Mailed It
A post-election thought from Norman Mailer, much of it right as rain nearly 50-years after the fact
Shooting Sparla
My new book, Shooting Sparla, is now available
The Stories We Tell
On politicians, the stories they tell us, and their relationships with the truth
Stick stuck as salt water taffy, which is just gross
Not Phil Collins
Some thoughts on Ted Nugent, who is not Phil Collins or Danny DeVito
A quick word from a tired writer; or: hold tight, more is on the way
Pop Matters: How Wilco fixed what U2 botched
A contrasting study in providing free music and being a classy act
As Funny As I Think I Am
Some thoughts on the question: What If I really am as funny as I think I am? Or not?
On Resolutions, Or Duking-It-Out In The New Year
What David Duke can teach us about making New Year’s Resolutions
Knowing When
A story about knowing when it’s time to shave your beard