Hey Bad Boy
My morning walk to the gym, or why I sometimes really love living where I do.
Two Steps Back?
A snippet about how frustrating and rewarding writing can be
Valentine’s 2013
The comment that was simultaneously the highest and lowest point of my Valentine’s Day
Contemplating the Saddle
A first posting after a long, long break, with hopefully more to come shortly.
A quick heads-up to all my wonderful readers out there: next Saturday, April 21st is Record Store Day, a day dedicated – as the name should make clear – to supporting record stores throughout the world.
Hiking, and Bye Bye Fall
A few thoughts and some photos from a hike in Washington’s Cascade Mountains as fall dwindles down to a dreary dullness here in the Northwest
Get Dumped
Shameless promotion for a local visual arts extravaganza
Homeless Joe the Fisher of Men
My time hanging with Joe, a homeless man from Alaska fishing with all the wrong bait
On: The Motorcycle, Part the Second
Earlier this week I wrote that I would be taking an introduction to motorcycle riding class. The class is now finished and despite my initial anxieties I have lived to report that I passed, which means that I'm now legal to threaten the streets of Washington State...
On: The Motorcycle
I know it's kinda wussy to admit, but I'm afraid of motorcycles. It's unfortunate that admitting that makes me feel wussy—after all it seems very reasonable to me to be hesitant around any machine that can propel you over 100+mph down a piece of concrete. But...