Thou Shalt Bruise His Heel
A little tumble with big biblical implications
To Hunt a Naked Woman, or, How Ever Did You Find Me?
This blog is not a very popular corner of the internet. I have a steady readership of about four (4), and I'm just fine with that. Not all of us can—or want—to be The Pioneer Woman. Most people come to this site because they know me, but occasionally folks will...
Only In Seattle
Every city has its stereotypes—New Yorkers are gruff; folks in Savannah are hospitable; Los Angelenos are photoshopped to perfection; people from Phoenix are gun-toting racist ass-clowns; etc. We here in Seattle have our types—it's a big enough city with plenty of...
I Have Seen the Future
Earlier today, Thursday, August 25, 2011, I was at the drugstore when I came across the following sign. In truth I am unsure why of all people the drugstore folks have access to this information—it seems to me the sort of knowledge better reserved for religious or...
We Need To Talk…
Earlier today I was thinking back on a time when a lady friend said to me one of the worst things you can tell another person in a relationship: "We need to talk." When my partner says, We need to talk..., I know it's going to be bad. I hear We need to talk... and...
An Evening with Rod & Rye
Occasionally I have one of those moments that's so absolutely perfect it gives me hope for all sorts of things—I can't specify what exactly: ephemeral notions of spiritual transcendence and kingdoms-coming and etc., but mostly they're generalizable to the...
Not Gay
A couple quick thoughts on puppets’ sexual orientations, or lack thereof
Image of the Day
The image below is of the sidewalk near my apartment. If you're the type I suppose that there are many things that can be written in wet concrete—one's name, a sophomoric opposition to existing cannabis laws, "Free Nelson Mandela" (this list is not as random as it...
Blue Angels
Every summer in Seattle we have an event called Seafair, a series of local celebrations that culminates on an August weekend dedicated to hydroplane boat races, bi-plane demonstrations, grown men pretending to be pirates, drunken people drunkenly captaining boats into...
To Pee or Not To Pee
A couple years back I was traveling in North Africa when I was stung by a jellyfish on a rather sensitive part of my body (the story of that unfortunate day can be read here: it's great if you're in to schadenfreude). To resolve the pain I eventually used my own urine...
Generation Chasm
Yesterday I was in the grocery store when I heard a song I remembered listening to when I was in high-school. Walking home I was still mumble-humming along and recalling the fine days of grunge music, when I realized that I couldn't remember the name of the band. This...