Fine vs Fine, or We Need More Than Us and Them

Fine vs Fine, or We Need More Than Us and Them

After last week’s passage of the American Healthcare Act I wrote a piece about the suicide of Paul Ryan’s conscience. Lest I be seen as overly partisan, I’d like to follow up with a few thoughts about Democrats, who, immediately after...
DaDa Donald

DaDa Donald

Many Americans are having difficulty understanding the executive orders of our new President. We’ve created a simple, fun and easy way to comprehend the President’s true meanings.  What you’ll need:  1: Scissors 2: Hat, 3:...
Thanatos in the Monkey

Thanatos in the Monkey

2016 was a rough year for cultural figures. No, I’m not talking about the 17 (yikes) Republican Presidential candidates, each of whom was in fact quite good for culture, though beyond writing SNL-styled spoofs they had the nerve to call their...
Evangelicals in the Age of Trump

Evangelicals in the Age of Trump

(This essay is part of an ongoing series looking back at 2016. You can read the others in this series here.) I’d like to take a moment and talk about, and ultimately to, Evangelical Christians. I grew up more-or-less one of these...


(This essay is the third in a series reflecting on 2016. You can read the first essay here and the second one here.) In these ongoing thoughts about the year 2016, today’s topic is America, a country where far too many of us got...