by aaron | Jun 27, 2024 | blog, not-fiction
Some admittedly limited reflections on the 2024 Presidential debate, written in real time as the debate occurs: 6:02PM — I realize I have more mustard options on the shelves of my fridge than I do choices for President of this country. 6:03PM — I question who this...
by aaron | Aug 26, 2023 | blog, Essays, not-fiction
I was hand-washing some dishes the other day when I began to wonder, Why? Why am I washing dishes by hand when we have a perfectly functional dishwashing machine? We already own the dishwasher plus the soap needed to run it, the machine is conveniently located...
by aaron | Mar 31, 2023 | blog, Essays, not-fiction
In the February, 1962 issue of Datamation magazine, the would-be computer designer could learn from J.W. Granholm, an esteemed engineer with The Boeing Company and General America Corporation, about “one of the most beloved words in (modern computer) design...
by aaron | Feb 3, 2022 | blog, Essays, not-fiction
I recently read an article about Chad Carswell, a 38yo man in North Carolina who’s awaiting a kidney transplant. While donor organs have been found that could save Carswell’s life, hospitals are presently requiring all transplant patients be vaccinated...
by aaron | Jan 18, 2022 | blog, Essays, not-fiction
I went to the dentist last week for the first time in over a decade. Fortunately, I have only one (1) small cavity, a fact my mother will be very proud to read, unlike the remainder of this essay. To determine the quality of my teeth, x-rays were...
by aaron | May 28, 2021 | blog, Essays
(A version of this was published on the website Hard Crackers.) Located on the corner of 128th St and Aurora Avenue are a Vietnamese noodle house, a Chick-fil’A, a used car lot, and a construction supply company that doubles as a used car lot, the latter presumably...