by aaron | Jul 2, 2015 | Travels
This scene opens in a public restroom in a park in Seattle. (What can I say?—I had to pee. Everyone pees. And sometimes that has to happen in a public restroom. It’s a weird fact that I feel compelled to note that I was just peeing and not up to any shenanigans...
by aaron | Jun 30, 2015 | Travels
The other day I watched a really cute girl walking down an aisle in a library to pick up some books. (Please don’t get hung up on how creepy that sentence could sound. I was just there, and so was she, and she was pretty and yes I was watching her as she walked...
by aaron | Jun 28, 2015 | Travels
For a full and complete world they say it takes all kinds of people—the normal ones, sure, but more importantly all the weirdos: the cowboy angels and poplin-shorted bros and puffed-lat sufferers and eye-drooping cabbies, and everyone else who provides life with more...